5 Fun Filled Birthday Party Games Ideas for Kids

Parenthood is a big roller coaster. It has its share of highs and lows. There is a share of happy moments, sad moments, moments filled with anxiety and some moments of fulfilment. Parents spend most of their time looking after their kids, planning things for them and making all their wishes come true. All the … Continue reading 5 Fun Filled Birthday Party Games Ideas for Kids

Toys on Rent for Kid

What does the life of a kid define? Eat, sleep and play. That is what they imagine their world as- fearless, independent and full of life. If you can ever witness a child playing, it would the most delightful pleasure one can have. What they love is themselves and their stuff. Kids love their toys, … Continue reading Toys on Rent for Kid

Why kids absolutely love to play in the soft area.

Soft play area is a playground with a smooth surface for kids to play. The soft play centers offer an affordable and safe environment for kids to play, explore and to make friends. Soft play area is a new meaning of “staying indoors.” A safe, quiet environment to allow kids to actively play and develop … Continue reading Why kids absolutely love to play in the soft area.

Best Energy Burning Indoor Toys for the active little ones.

Leah: Mama, can I play with the blocks? (Plays for 10 minutes) Leah: Mama, I am bored. I want a new game, now!!!   And because Blocks was already the last “New” game, Leah’s mama has no idea what to do! And then, within 15 minutes starts the waterworks and follows the destruction of the … Continue reading Best Energy Burning Indoor Toys for the active little ones.

Influencing your kid’s personality by giving them the right toys!

Growing up kids is an altogether new experience in life. Being a parent, you want to pamper them and give them everything they ask for while on the other hand, you want to inculcate certain values in them that will shape them into a better human being and a responsible citizen. Parents are often stuck … Continue reading Influencing your kid’s personality by giving them the right toys!

Importance Of Cleaning and Sanitizing Toys!

Children are innocent bundles of joy. Raising a child is an experience of self-growth. The caretaker needs to pay attention at the tiniest detail to make sure that the child is in physical well being. Nurturing a child is not only making sure that the child is well nourished, but also means that the children … Continue reading Importance Of Cleaning and Sanitizing Toys!

Fun Filled Birthday Party Games Ideas for Kids!

There’s one day in every kid’s life which they eagerly look forward to. Any guesses? Yes, Birthdays! As a parent, you know that everything on that day has to go impeccably right. There’s so much for you to do and execute according to the plan that you might forget to handle everything completely on your … Continue reading Fun Filled Birthday Party Games Ideas for Kids!

Play-Zone setup at the latest Royal Wedding!

It is that time of the year when India gears up for one of its most awaited celebrations – the Wedding season! Every year thousands of people get married in our country and the fanfare, traditions, ceremonies, and festivities that accompany Indian marriages are truly splendid. Needless to say, weddings are keenly looked forward to … Continue reading Play-Zone setup at the latest Royal Wedding!