5 Fun Filled Birthday Party Games Ideas for Kids

Parenthood is a big roller coaster. It has its share of highs and lows. There is a share of happy moments, sad moments, moments filled with anxiety and some moments of fulfilment. Parents spend most of their time looking after their kids, planning things for them and making all their wishes come true. All the efforts of all the parents ultimately boil down to just one thing, their child’s happiness.


As a parent, the birth of your child is one of the biggest and life-altering moments in your life. It is a special day in your life and parents take all the efforts possible to celebrate this day every year. Parents put a lot of efforts in creating the perfect ambience, order from the best catering service, and buy the best presents for the birthday boy/girl and also for their friends. But that’s not enough to make the birthday a fun-filled day, kids enjoy the most when they are thoroughly entertained and what apart from games can be enjoyed the most?


Be it the first birthday or the fifth, in order to make the day a special one, Chandamama world has been the favourite place for getting the ideal games to make the birthday the best party for kids from all age groups. Chandamama World is the best place to rent play zones on birthday parties.


If you are scratching your head to organise the best birthday party for your kids, here are some birthday celebration ideas for kids:

  1. Balloon Games: Balloons are everyone’s favourite and inevitably the decor of every party. You can organise games around the balloons. The difficulty level of the game can be decided based on the age group of the gathering.
    There can be a balloon race, where you can make pairs of kids and place a balloon between them. The fastest wins.
    You can have a treasure hunt or a riddler where the hints of the answers are hidden inside the balloon. This can be a team game and the first team to identify wins.
    Every kid has a balloon and a passing the parcel game can be organised, when the music stops, the child with the parcel need to pop his or her balloon and perform the task hidden in the balloon.
  2. Themed birthday party: A theme-based birthday party is always loved by kids. Birthday party themes for kids can be decided on the interest and the average of the group. It could be a sports theme or a princess theme or a superhero theme party. The decor and the cake call align with the theme. If the kids are very young, you can simply create an indoor play area birthday party theme where the kids play different board games. If you don’t have enough board games, you can take board games, toys and portable play areas on rent.
  3. A BYOT party: Just like a potluck party, you can organise a Bring Your Own Toy party. This is the best idea for a birthday celebration for kids under budget. To add to the fun, you can also do a toy exchange. Kids bringing their favourite toys and letting each other play with it is an overwhelming feeling. To make sure there are enough toys, you arrange an indoor play area birthday party or toy hire for birthday party.
  4. A party with elaborate games: You can have different games in a party or have a relay of games which are related to each other. For example, throughout the party, non-stop games can be played which may include solving puzzles, using a remote control car race, a clay making competition, a balloon bursting competition, a three-legged race, and other different games. The one who wins all the games, individually or team-wise wins ultimately. Such kind of games an adrenalin rush and keeps the party exciting throughout.
  5. A DIY part: Creativity is very exciting. Be it for adults or kids. You can organise a party with a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) theme. Such activities involve creating stuff from scratch. It can be bags, toys, painting T-shirts, creating new things out of waste or anything. For young girls, creating jewellery out of shells or paper quilling is very exciting. The DIY stimulates creativity in children. You can have portable play areas on rent alongside the DIY station. Kids can jump into play their favourite toys while they are making new ones for themselves.


Parents rack their brains and plan ahead at least 2 months before their child’s birthday. Right from the first birthday to their birthdays in teenage, every birthday is special. Chandamama world understands this and has everything that would make the birthday a day to remember. They have toys that are suitable for first birthday party ideas as well as toys suitable for a 12-year-old’s birthday.

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